One of the requirements my friend has is that his site can host PDF files. This post shows how to do that with GitHub pages and Jekyll.


It is easy to serve PDFs on a GitHub pages site. Add your PDF to your git repo, and then link to the relative path. For example, this pdf is hosted in my repo at /assets/curveball.pdf and linked in this post with the the markdown [this pdf](/assets/curveball.pdf).


You can also embed the PDF directly into a post with HTML. This is the code used to render the PDF directly following.

<object data="/assets/curveball.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="350">
  PDF unable to render in this browser. Alt: <a href="/assets/curveball.pdf">curveball.pdf</a>
PDF unable to render in this browser. Alt: curveball.pdf

Alternate Content

It is a good idea to include alternate content within the <object> element so there is a fallback in case the browser cannot render the pdf. Perhaps your site is viewed on a small screen, or you mispelled your PDF’s name:

<!-- curfball.pdf shouldn't exist, unless I forgot not to upload a file of the same name -->
<object data="/assets/curfball.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="350">
  Unable to find 'curfball.pdf'. Did you mean <a href="/assets/curveball.pdf">curveball.pdf</a>?
Unable to find 'curfball.pdf'. Did you mean curveball.pdf?